Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chinese Herbs Enhance Male Fertility

1. Chinese Herbs Enhance Female Fertility

2. Herbs Enhance Female Fertility-

3. Chinese Herbs Enhance Male Fertility

4. Herbs Enhance Male Fertility

Traditional Chinese medicine has been around for more than 4000 years, long before the existence of conventional medicine, it also has proven as one of most effective herbal medicine in treating infertility, because of the traditional culture and social value. Since there are many microscopic change and many causes can influence the chance of fertility, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners must take all of them into consideration for making an accurate diagnosis.

Traditional Chinese medicine beside views male infertility as if caused by imbalance of the body as a result of deficiency of kidney yin and yang, liver qi, stagnation of qi and blood as well as heat and dampness accumulation in the lower burner.

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I. Diagnosis
1. Liver qi stagnation
Liver meridian blockage in the local area (genital) interferes with normal testicle functions, leading impotence, low libido and ejaculation and abnormal sperm production

2. Kidney deficiency
a) Kidney Yang deficiency
Men are considered kidney yang deficiency if they have symptom of low sexual desire, weak ejaculation, impotence, seminal emission, low sperm count, slow sperm mobility.

b) Kidney yin deficiency
According to TCM kidney is vital to maintain a healthy reproduction system in men and women alike. In men, infertility caused by kidney yin deficiency includes symptoms seminal emission, slow sperm mobility, low sperm count.

3. Stagnation of qi and blood
Stagnation of qi and blood are normally caused by weakened liver in fat and protein metabolism and spleen in blood formation leading nervous symptoms including worrisomeness, over-thinking, stress, chronic illness and impotence, low sperm count, short sperm life, slow sperm mobility.

4. Heat and dampness accumulation in the lower burner
Male suffered from heat and damp diseases is normally caused by over alcohol drinking and unhealthy diet including high in saturated and trans fat and spicy food leading to generally overweight, sperm count is low and sometimes sperm deformities.

II. Chinese herbal treatments
1. Liver qi stagnation
a) Chai hu root

Chai hu is also known as Radix Bupleuri, the bitter and sightly cod herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to disperse heat and fever, improve yang and promote liver function by enhancing the channels of liver, gall bladder, pericardium, triple fire channels, thus enhancing the liver qi.
b) Bai shao

Bai Shao is also known as white peony root or Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae, the bitter soul and col herb has been used in tradtional Chinese medicine to dilates peripheral blood vessels, coronary arteries and anti-inflammatory by enhancing the function of channels of liver and spleen resulting in promote blood flow to the lower burner.

c) Han lian cao

Han lian cao is also known as herba ecliptae, the sweet, sour and slightly cold herbs has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat immune deficiency and damage of DNA as a result of forming of free radical, thus decreasing the risk of immune and DNA causes sperm abnormality, by promote the functions of channels of liver and kidney

d) He shou wu

He shou hu is also known as Radix Polygoni Multiflori, the bitter, sweetness and neutral herb has been use in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve of heat toxicity, secure kidney essence (jing), treat spermatorrhea and liver qi deficiency by enhancing the function of liver and kidney channels.

e) Gan cao

Gan cao is also known as licorice root, the sweet herb has been used in TCM to promote qi, clear heat and get rid of toxins and control the secretion of insulin by enhancing the function of all channels.

h) Etc.

2. Kidney yang deficiency
a) Du Zhong

Du zhong is also known as eucommia bark, the sweet and warm herb has been used in TCM to treat chronic pain in lower back and knees dizziness, impotence and frequent urination due to kidney yang and liver deficiency by enhancing the functions of liver and kidney channels.

b) Rou Gui

Rou gui is also known as cinamon bark , the sweet and warm herb has been used in TCM to treat cold limbs, promote urination and enhance the kidney yang by enhancing the functions of heart, lung and bladder channels.

c) Shan Yao

Shan yao is also known as Chinese wild yam, the sweet and neutral herb has been used in TCM to promote urination, treat spleen deficiency, strenghten jing and lower blood sugar by improving the function of kidney, liver and lung channels.

d) Fu Zi

Fu zi is also known as aconite, the hot and toxic herb has been used in TCM to restore yang, improve fire, disperse cold due to kidney yang deficiency bt enhancing the channels of heart, kidney and spleen channels.

e) Gou Qi Zi

Gou qi zi is also known wolf berry, the sweet and neutral herb has been used in TCM to improve immune system, elevate the level of testosterone by enhancing the functions of kidney, lung and spleen channels.

f) Etc.

3. Kidney yin deficiency
a) Shu Di Huang

Shu di huang is also known as rehmannia, the sweet, bitter and warm herb has been used as diuretics in TCM to decrease the conversion of blood sugar and dilate the blood vessel by enhancing the function of heart, kidney, and liver channels.

b) Shan Zhu Yu

Shan zhu yu is also known as cornus fruit, the sour and warm herb has been used in TCM to promote urination, lower blood pressure, antibiotic and treat impotence, spermatorrhea as a result of yin deficiency by enhancing the function of kidney and liver channels.

c) Mu Dan Pi

Mu dan pi is also known as peony root, the bitter and cool herb has been used in TCM as anti inflammatory herb, and to improve immune system, clear heat and fire due to yin deficiency, by enhancing the functions of kidney, heart and liver channels.

d) Fu Ling

Fu ling is also known as poria, the sweet and neutral herb has been used in TCM as as diuretics and to promote urinary due to damp heat accumulation as a result of kidney yin deficiency by enhancing the function of kidney, lung, heart and spleen channels.

e) Ze Xie

ze xie is also known as alisma, the sweet and cool herb has been used in TCM to treat damp heat in the lower burner, edema, painful and difficult urination by enhancing the functions of kidney and bladder channels.
f) Etc

4. Qi and blood stagnation
a) Cang Zhu

Cang zhu is also known as rhizome Chinese atractylodes, the bitter and warn has been used to dry dampness, strengthens the digestion; expels wind-dampness cause of qi and blood stagnation by enhancing the function of spleen, stomach and liver channels.

b) Chuan Xiong

Chuan xiong is also known as Szehuan lovage root, the acrid and warm herb has been used to promote qi, improve qi circulation, relieves pain and treat blood stagnation, by enhancing the functions of liver, gallbladder, pericardium channels.

c) Xiang Fu

Xiang Fu is also known as purple nutgrass, the bitter and warm herb has been used in TCM as antibodic, anti inflammation and antipyretic to relieve the stagnation qi and blood as a result of infection by enhancing the functions of channels of liver and triple burners.

d) Shan Zhi Zi Shan zhi zi is also known as gardenia fruit, the bitter and cold herb has been used in TCM to treat infection causes of fever with vomiting blood, nose bleeding, blood in urine due to qi and blood stagnation as a result of high fever and inflammation, by promoting the functions heart, liver, lung, stomach, triple burner channels.

e) Shen Qu

Shen qu is also known as medicated leaver, the sweet and warm herb has been used in TCM to balance of cholesterol in the body, treat weak digestion, lack of appetite causes of spleen qi deficiency and blood stasis, by enhancing the functions of spleen and stomach channels.

f) Etc.

5. Heat and dampness accumulation in the lower burner
a) Che Qian Zi

Che qian zi is also known as broadleaf plantain, the sweet and cold herb has been used in TCM to painful urinary, diarrhea , red eyes and cleanse the body damp heat causes of sexual dysfunction through urination by enhancing the functions of kidney, lung, liver and bladder channels.

b) Huang Qi

Huang qi is also best known as astragalus root, the sweet and warm herb has been used in TCM as diuresis to treat qi, spleen and yang deficiency due to dampness accumulation in the lower burner turning to heat by enhancing the functions of lung and spleen channels

c) Long Dan Cao

Long dan cao also known as gentiana, the bitter and cold herb has been used in TCM to expel damp heat cause of high fever, seizures, inflammation as well as sperm abnormality, by enhancing the function of liver, stomach and gallbladder channels.

d) Ku Shen

Ku shen is also known as Radix Sophorae, the bitter and cold herb has been used in TCM to promote urination, reduce inflammation causes of damp heat accumulation in the lower burner by enhancing the bladder, heart, liver, large and small intestine channels.

e) Etc.

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